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3-8 in Concrete Mix.jpg

3/8" Concrete Mix

3/8" Ready Concrete Mix.

Category: Crushed Rock.

1 inch Concrete Mix.jpg

1" Concrete Mix

1 inch Ready Concrete Mix.

Category: Crushed Rock.

3-4 AB.jpg

3/4" AB

Aggregate Base Type.

Category: Crushed Rock.

pic  4.jpg

3/4" Crush Rock

3/4" Crushed Rock.

Category: Crushed Rock.

3-4 in Drain Rock.jpg

3/4" Drain Rock

3/4" Drain Rock consists of small, smooth, rounded stones used to create aggregate concrete surfaces.

1and1-2 inch Drain Rock.jpg

1 1/2" Drain Rock

1 - 1/2" Drain Rock consists of small, smooth, rounded stones used to create aggregate concrete surfaces.

Pee Gravel.jpg

Pea Gravel

Pea Gravel consists of small, smooth, rounded stones used to create aggregate concrete surfaces. (Also referred to as 3/8 rock).

Decomposed Granite.jpg

Decomposed Granite

Decomposed granite is rock of granitic origin. Easily crumbles into mixtures of gravel-sized particles, sand, and silt-sized particles with some clay.

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